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When I was a kid, I was astonished by all the magic of fairy tales and Harry Potter stories.

Now with technology, we are able to recreate all the magic spells. Isn't it amazingly crazy? 


Like drawing the clouds on the sky. 

//with the help of a LeapMotion, an Arduino, a projector and OpenFrameworks.







The Cloud Factory 

2016 Berlin, School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe

2018 Genova, Cotonfioc Festival


Or becoming really small and discovering others' faces as landscapes. 

//with the help of an HTC Vive, Unity, and a webcam.









The Surface 

2017 Berlin, School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe

2018 Berlin, Zur Anderen Welt


It's a lot better to try in Virtual Reality, click here to discover more!


This is a multiplayer VR experience, where one person is in the virtual world, discovering the landscape of a huge face.

The other person can control some aspects of the virtual world, with her/his facial expressions.


Or exploring the world of words freshly written on the internet

//with the help of an alien looking google cardboard, Unity, and a phone.









2017 Berlin, The BRAIN4 Storylab

2017 Berlin, A MAZE. festival

2017 Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurter Buchmesse


@Brice Dubat (concept, development),

@Jan Cieslar (concept, copywriting),

@Rita Eperjesi (concept, design of the mask, art direction of the virtual world)


Click here to discover slightly more!


Expressing and tracking your mood without words

//with the help of the wonderful Christian Kokott's programming skills, and Android








mood gradient

2017 Berlin, School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe


@Christian Kokott (concept, development)

@Rita Eperjesi (concept, design)


Click here to discover more or download our app! (although I stopped using it, so it's not up to date)



Being surrounded ONLY by bubbles

//with the help of a Samsung Gear360, Adobe Premier Pro, a google cardboard, a phone and some bubble pipes









the Bubble Institute

2016 Berlin, School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe


This is a series of experiments with 360 videos and bubbles.

It's better to watch them wearing a google cardboard, click here to discover more!



Creating music by washing your dishes

//with the help of a webcam, Unity and colour tracking










Singing Dishes

2017 Berlin, School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe


@Christian Kokott (programming)

@Rita Eperjesi (concept, design of the experience)

@Julia Koffler (music) 


I'm aware of that it is not a too well documented project, but it's close to my heart. Click here to read more! 



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